In order to consolidate and, at the same time, explore new avenues of collaboration, UniportBilbao - multimodal logistics cluster - has held a trade...
Sao Paulo, Brasil I March 15th -17th
UniportBilbao participates as an exhibitor at Intermodal Southamerica, the main logistics forum and meeting point for forwarders, logistics operators...
Bilbao I March 11th
With this webinar we have been able to show our companies the potential of public support programs for business development projects that they plan...
Bilbao I February 23rd
UniportBilbao, together with Bilbao PortLab, has carried out a digital conference to learn about the Ports 4.0 program and how to direct these...
Bilbao I February 11th
On February 11th, together with Novia Salcedo Foundation, we organized the webinar "Junior Talent for your organization". This...
Bilbao I January
UniportBilbao/Port Community has updated its promotional video with the idea of bringing closer the activity of the port...
AECOC I December 1st. 2021
Several companies from Euskadi, represented at UniportBilbao, participated in the 20th National Transport Forum organized by AECOC (Association of...
FITAC | October 25th
The Colombian Federation of Logistics Agents in International Trade organised, in digital format, the XXI International Congress FITAC on 25 and 26...