Terms and conditions

This website is owned by UNIPORTBILBAO/Port Community, hereinafter UNIPORTBILBAO. Accessing this website implies the knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Terms and conditions

The contents, commercial activities, products and services included in this website are not designed for nor aimed at persons that reside in jurisdictions where their contents are not authorized. Access to this website is the exclusive responsibility of the users.

Access to this website does not imply that there is any type of commercial relationship between UniportBilbao and the user. Accessing and browsing this website means accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

Updating and amending the information

The information that appears in this website is that in force on the date of its last update. UniportBilbao reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information from this website, and it may limit or forbid access to this website. You cannot alter, change, modify or adapt this website. However, UniportBilbao reserves the power to make, at any time, all changes and modifications that it deems appropriate, and can make use of such power at any time and without prior notice.

UniportBilbao reserves the power to unilaterally modify the conditions and terms of use of this website. Any modification thereof will be announced accordingly. The entry into force of the modifications of the conditions of use will be from the time of their publication on this website.


UniportBilbao makes maximum efforts to prevent any error in the contents that may appear on this website, but it does not guarantee nor assume responsibility for the consequences that may result from the errors in the contents that may appear on this website, provided by third parties. UniportBilbao shall not assume any liability for those including contents, commercial activities, products and services that they can be viewed via electronic links, directly or indirectly, through this website. The presence of links on the UniportBilbao website, unless expressly stated otherwise, is for a purely informative purpose and under no circumstances implies suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them. These links do not indicate any type of relationship between UniportBilbao and the individuals or companies owning the websites that can be accessed through these links.

UniportBilbao reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw at any time the links that appear on its website. UniportBilbao does not assume any liability for the content of any forum or debate in the cyberspace (chat), bulletins or any type of transmissions that are linked to this website and will cooperate, if required by judicial order or by the relevant authorities, in the identification of the persons responsible for those contents that violate the law. UniportBilbao excludes any liability that may result from the transfer of information between users. The liability for the statements disseminated on this website corresponds exclusive to those who make them. It is forbidden to make any type of data transfer that the users can make to this or through this website or other access controlled by UniportBilbao, which violate third party's intellectual property rights, and whose content is threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or the transfer of any other material that constitutes or incites conduct that may be considered a criminal offence.

UniportBilbao reserves the right to prevent or prohibit access to any Internet user that introduces on this website any content contrary to the legal regulations or which is deemed immoral, reserving the right to exercise the legal measures that it deems appropriate to prevent this type of conduct.

Browsing, access and security

Accessing and browsing this website means accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. UniportBilbao makes maximum efforts to ensure that the browsing is done under the best conditions and prevent the harm of any type that may caused during such browsing. UniportBilbao shall not be liable for nor guarantee that the access to this website is uninterrupted or that it is free of error. Nor shall it be liable for nor guarantee that the content or software that can be accessed through this website, is free of error or causes damage. Under no circumstances shall UniportBilbao be liable for the losses, harm or damages of any type that arise due to the access and use of the website, including but not limited to those caused to the computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses or malicious software. UniportBilbao shall not be liable for the damage that may be caused to the users due to inappropriate use of this website.

Intellectual and industrial property

This website and the contents that it contains are protected by the Intellectual Property laws. They cannot be subject to partial or total operation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, assignment or transfer.

Access to this website does not grant the users the right, nor any ownership over the intellectual property rights of the contents housed on this website. The content of this website may be downloaded to the user's terminal (download), provided that it is for their private use and without any commercial purpose; therefore, they cannot operate, reproduce, distribute, modify, publicly communicate, assign, transform or use the content of this website for public or commercial purposes. UniportBilbao does not transfer the ownership of its software to the users. The user is the owner of the support in which the software is recorded. UniportBilbao retains all of the industrial and intellectual property rights including the software. If the user transfers software from this website to their terminal, it cannot be dissected for its study, nor decompile it, translate the version of the original object code or its language into another code or language.

The commercial name, the trademarks, logo, products and services contained in this website, both of UniportBilbao and of its associated companies, are protected by law. UniportBilbao reserves the possibility to exercise the corresponding judicial actions against the users who violate or infringe the intellectual or industrial property rights.

Electronic communication

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/676 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 and for everything related to the security regulations for files containing personal data that have been identified in the organization of UNIPORTBILBAO, taking into account, in addition, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and article 66.1.b of Law 11/2022, of June 28, General Telecommunications, We inform you of our data for any request, question and/or claim, in which you can contact us by letter to the following address:

UniportBilbao/Comunidad Portuaria - Alda. Urquijo 9-1º Dcha. 48008 - Bilbao - Bizkaia (Spain)

Or through the following email address: lopd@uniportbilbao.es

For questions or complaints regarding the Code of Ethics: compliance@uniportbilbao.es