UniportBilbao, junto con la Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao y VIAL - Vitoria Álava Solución Logística, participa en la feria internacional...
Múnich | 9 al 12 de mayo
Bilbao | March 1 and 2, 2023
On March 1 and 2 we have been present at Empack and Logistics & Automation Bilbao 2023, at a stand shared with the Bilbao Port Authority.
Sao Paulo Brazil | February 28 to March 2
One more year, the port community of Bilbao, grouped under UniportBilbao, participates in Intermodal South America, the largest event for the cargo...
Liverpool, Londres | 23 y 24 noviembre
A great team of professionals from the port of Bilbao has collaborated in this stage of promotion in the United Kingdom which, on a trade mission,...
Bilbao | 16 November 2022
Organized by the Basque Country Logistics & Mobility Federation (BCLM), and coordinated by UniportBilbao, it will be held in an open format...
Zierbena | 31 October 2022
The port of Bilbao starts a ro-ro service with China and India with Nordex Acciona's wind blades cargo.
The Super Fast Levante ship,...
Vigo | October 4 to 6, 2022
The International Fair of Frozen Sea Products (CONXEMAR), which this year celebrates its 23rd edition and serves as a meeting place for the entire...
Valladolid | September 7th
The companies of the port of Bilbao, represented by Uniport, have been present at this Grain Exchange organised by ACCOE (Spanish Grain and Oilseed...
Bilbao | July 13th
This is an experience that started in 2014 in which we introduce the port to professionals from different fields who are interested in learning about...