97 entidades participamos el día 31 enero en el acto de adhesión al Pacto Social por el Empleo en Euskadi presidido por la Vicelehendakari segunda y...
On 30 November, the Transport Business Association of Bizkaia (Asetrabi) closed the cycle of three technical workshops organised over the last few...
Amsterdam | November 16
The Port of Bilbao, the Port of Amsterdam and Duisport, together with EVE, Petronor, Evos Amsterdam and Zenith Energy Terminals, have signed a...
Bilbao | 20 years of e-portBilbao PCS
The Port Authority of Bilbao (APB) has celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the e-puertobilbao telematic platform, a digital tool that the APB...
BEC - Barakaldo | june 3 to 7
The forthcoming 32nd edition of the International Machine Tool Exhibition - BIEMH is shaping up to be a real industrial and technological spectacle,...
November 2023
Leading air and ocean freight forwarders Tiba and Total Freight, respectively, have announced their alliance to strengthen "the services and...
Bilbao | 25 de Octubre 2023
The 32nd edition of La Noche de la Empresa Vasca, organised by the Fundación Empresa Vasca y Sociedad/Gizarte eta Euskal Enpresa Fundazioa,...
Bilbao | October 27th
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Bilbao has presented its new strategic plan to continue with its role as an institution...
Santurtzi | november 28
A large representation of institutions and the port community of Bilbao participated this morning in the presentation of the new equipment.